Synonymy – Download game for iOS
sourcedate 2024-04-27 14:37 browse 85

Game overview
Synonymy is a word game narrated by Richard Dawkins. Find a path between words through their network of synonyms. Supports multiplayer and weekly challenges.
Game description generated withAI
Synonymy is an exceptional word game that promotes education and is narrated by the distinguished scientist and author, Richard Dawkins. The aim of the game is to uncover paths between random words by exploring their web of synonyms. Each time a player finds a path by selecting the synonym of a word, and then a synonym of that synonym, they advance through the levels and eventually arrive at any other word in the English language.In the rebuilt version 3.0 of Synonymy, the game is more intuitive and entertaining, while preserving the authentic nature of the game.
Players who opt for the full version can take advantage of the multiplayer mode and enroll 63rummy.comin weekly competitions where they can compete with players from all over the world with the same starting and target words. As a bonus, every time a user uncovers a route, it is tweeted from @synonymywords and shared on the game's Facebook page.
Created by filmmaker Christopher Cinq-Mars Jarvis, all proceeds from the game are donated to various foundation for education-based charitable organizations.
Although the game seems to be functional on older devices, it performs best on the iPhone 5/iPad 2 or later with iOS8 or later. Any inquiries can be sent to
To experience the game's complex network of synonyms, players can check out the visualization on The visualization displays the relative distance between each synonym as if it were a planet that had a proportional gravitational pull to the number of relationships to other nodes in the network. The 2D image shown is a 40,000 x 40,000 graph that has been created using 3d graphing software.