Animal Fury
sourcedate 2024-04-27 18:54 browse 95

Animal Fury - fights for Android with 3D graphics.
The inhabitants of the magical forest have joined forces to protect the source of magical water. Their main enemy is the evil warlock, who calls from the depths of the dungeon of giant warriors and golems. Become in defense of your home and fight with huge enemies!
The whole gameplay is made in the style of a fighting game - you and your opponent have a band of health, the game goes to two wins, the arsenal of the player has several attacks, tricks for evasion and some bonuses accidentally appearing on the field. Leaping aside, you will fend off blows, pushing the buttons to deal damage. It's simple, but can you get to the end and not become another fallen warrior?
Dragon VS Tiger TricksCPU
Android OS
Open GL
Free Space
120.66 MB
Android TV
Gamepad Support
English language
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