Badminton Scoreboard screenshot 0Badminton Scoreboard screenshot 1Badminton Scoreboard screenshot 2Badminton Scoreboard screenshot 3

Descrição do Badminton Scoreboard

Badminton Scores is a simple add free app that can keep the scores of a badminton match.

With the yellow top menu you can enter some default value's to show onscreen.

If you want to display the scores on a remote screen for referee purpose you can set the scrRummyCraz.comeen to never got to sleep modes while the app is running.

Pressing the center number devider show a popup menu with access to swapping sides and other easy functions.


- Free

- No adds

- No permissions

- Save settings (yellow triangle)

- Swap scores (devide token between the scores)

- Reset scores (scores set to zero, not the sets)

- Wipe all (scores and names are reset)

- Keep display Always on (when in forground only)

- Change color of the text

Version 1.1: First release

Version 1.2: Top menu redesign.

Version 1.3: Settings are loaded on startup

Version 1.4: Added posibility to change color of text

Version 1.5: Bug fix.

Version 1.6: Added posibility to change font size and menu does not work

Version 1.7: Layout improvement